Blood Orgy of the Leather Girls

Blood Orgy of the Leather Girls 1988 is a gory, lowbudget, independent Bmovie made in the classic sexploitation style. The movie focuses on the efforts of four very different women looking for revenge on men who have mistreated them.

We are introduced to the main characters in the film as they prepare for school one morning. Sarah, the leader of the gang, is a Hitleridolizing, iron cross wearing, society and lifehating Jewish teenager. Rawhide, nave and innocent, admires John Wayne. Fleabrain is a strong and dopey girl. Dorothea is the fourth member.The girls drink alcohol, briefly visit and then cut from their classes at the St. Jeromes School for Girls, terrorize a series of males in the town, and return to the school for an afternoon tea dance. The band performing at the dance is David Nudelman and the Wild Breed. At the dance, Dorothea is found collapsed on the floor, and the remaining three girls spend the rest of the film hunting down and exacting their revenge on the perpetrators. ........

Source: Wikipedia